Aug 112010
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Alright, we’re getting easier and easier here. 5 BioPoints for family name, 2 for family common name, 5 for subfamily name, and 2 more for subfamily common name! Answers and points will be awarded once I get back to Canada. Tune in tomorrow for something a little different!

Aug 102010

Bug of the Day Aug 9 Costa Rica

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Today’s bug of the day is a little easier I think, so I’ll give 5 BioPoints for the family name, 2 for the common family name, and I’ll put a total of 20 BioPoints up for grabs to anyone who can come up with a creative/evolutionary solution to why these insects look the way they do (these will be split between people if there are multiple good answers). Good luck, and I’ll award points and provide the answers in a week or so when I get back to Canada!

Aug 092010

Grasshopper in black and white

Alright, because I’m tired and I need to get to bed, today’s bug of the day challenge is a little different than those that came before! Today, 15 BioPoints are up for grabs for the first person to correctly guess the colour of this nymphal grasshopper from El Copal Reserve in Costa Rica. I’ll post the answer and the full-coloured photo after I return to Canada!

Aug 092010

Bug of the Day for Aug 7 2010

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Each day I’m away in Costa Rica I’ll be highlighting an insect I came across, and challenging each of you to come up with the identification! Coveted BioPoints will be awarded to the first person to post the correct family name (5), common family name (2), and if you know the subfamily, you’ll get an additional 15! I’ll provide the answers and award points after I get back to Canada, so make sure to check back in to see how you did! Remember BioPoints can be redeemed for framed photos when you get a total of 200!

Aug 092010

Bug of the Day for Aug 6 2010

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Each day I’m away in Costa Rica I’ll be highlighting an insect I came across, and challenging each of you to come up with the identification! Coveted BioPoints will be awarded to the first person to post the correct family name (5), common family name (2), and if you know the subfamily, you’ll get an additional 15! I’ll provide the answers and award points after I get back to Canada, so make sure to check back in to see how you did! Remember BioPoints can be redeemed for framed photos when you get a total of 200!

Aug 092010

Bug of the Day for Aug 5 2010

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Welcome to a new feature for the blog, Bug of the Day! Each day I’m away in Costa Rica I’ll be highlighting an insect I came across, and challenging each of you to come up with the identification! Coveted BioPoints will be awarded to the first person to post the correct family name (5), common family name (2), and if you know the subfamily, you’ll get an additional 15! I’ll provide the answers and award points after I get back to Canada, so make sure to check back in to see how you did! Remember BioPoints can be redeemed for framed photos when you get a total of 200! See you tomorrow!

Aug 082010

Fly from Costa Rica

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Welcome to a new feature for the blog, Bug of the Day! Each day I’m away in Costa Rica I’ll be highlighting an insect I came across, and challenging each of you to come up with the identification! Coveted BioPoints will be awarded to the first person to post the correct family name (5), common family name (2), and if you know the subfamily, you’ll get an additional 15! I’ll provide the answers and award points after I get back to Canada, so make sure to check back in to see how you did! Remember BioPoints can be redeemed for framed photos when you get a total of 200! See you tomorrow!