Jan 302012

Just a quick post to let you know I’m still alive. It’s been a busy few weeks, and writing new blog posts has had to take a backseat lately. Sorry about that. I hope to get a few posts up in the next few weeks as I get a handle on some of the projects, but until then, enjoy this photo of autumnal mushrooms!

I used this photo in one of my lectures last week (more on that soon, I promise) and figured I’d share it with all of you as well. My fungal identification skills are less than zero, so if you have an inkling as to what it may be, let me know!


Fall Mushrooms from Bancroft Ontario Canada


More to come soon!

  7 Responses to “Mushroom Monday”

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  1. Sweet Photo! where did you shoot this? I am going with Scaly Pholiota (Pholiota squarrosa)… or a near relative. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholiota_squarrosa These are stunning mushrooms particularly when they are just emerging from the logs.
    The UK has a killer website called ispot… kinda like bugguide but for all like in the UK… you can find more photos and interesting info about these fungi there as well. http://www.ispot.org.uk/search/node/Pholiota%20squarrosa

  2. My friend thinks it might be a Scaly Pholiota, but she said that she’ll check with her supervisor

  3. Would sure appreciate a nice print of this to frame and hang in the cottage…gotta be some improvement on those spooky Audubon prints! 😉 And other of your nature shots that you think nice from the area! :)

  4. Flea Flea Flea!!! the people want a Chigoe Flea!

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