Oct 062010

I’m an information addict, and blogs help feed my habit daily. I read about photography, web design, baseball, nature, video games, science, travel, and of course entomology, and each blog opens my eyes and educates me in a different way. But what if each blog took one day to discuss the same subject, from their unique point of view? That’s the idea behind Blog Action Day, an annual event geared at creating a unified conversation across the international blogosphere about a topic important to everyone. This year’s conversation begins Friday, October 15th, and will focus on water, something every living thing on Earth requires, yet which is largely taken for granted in the Western world. To date, 1,600+ blogs in 100 countries and with a combined readership of nearly 13,000,000 people have committed to dive into the discussion, and I’m sure those numbers will continue to grow this week.

Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.

I haven’t solidified what I’ll bring to the table yet, but I will do my part to get the world talking about water in my own, insect-centric way. I hope you’ll join meĀ  next Friday, and I encourage you to join in the discussion, either through your comments or through your own blog.