Jul 122011

Ryan FleacrestAlmost forgot about Tuesday Tunes this week! Been a busy summer so far, and this one just about slipped through the cracks. Today’s song has very little to do with insects besides the title, but the song is an old favourite of mine, so it’ll work for this last minute edition!



As consolation for being kind of lame with the song and write up, here’s some cooler “bug” eyes, and I’ll put some BioPoints up for the identification! 2 pts for order, 3 pts for family, and 5 pts each for genus & species. Remember, with 200 BioPts, I’ll send you a framed photo of your choice from my archives! Enjoy!



Bug-eyed Beast


This song is available on iTunes – Bug Eyes – Catch Without Arms

  3 Responses to “Tuesday Tunes – Bug Eyes – dredg”

Comments (3)
  1. Mantodea, Wahoo! 1% of the way there!

  2. Neuroptera, Mantispidae…err Dicromantispa interrupta

  3. Damn, too late, Though just in case Miles has the species wrong here’s my entry: Neuroptera, Mantispidae, Dicromantispa sayi

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