Jan 022011

Happy New Year! Time for a little blog-cleaning!

Regulars likely noticed the blog has had a make-over recently. Not usually one for change, I had little choice after discovering that my old theme was being destroyed by Internet Explorer. After testing 3 different versions of IE (6, 7, & 8), I found that each version rendered my blog differently, and none for the better! Photos were skewed and distorted (a major no-no in my books), sidebars disappeared and formatting was practically non-existent. Since almost one third of the people who visit are using Internet Explorer, I wanted a more consistent theme. Why Microsoft continues to fail at web browsing is beyond me, but I would recommend anyone using Internet Explorer to consider making the switch to another, more web-friendly browser (my favourite is Mozilla Firefox, but Google Chrome is another great choice). [/rant]

As a consequence of this theme shift, I had to reset my RSS feed, so if you had previously subscribed, you’ll probably need to resubscribe. Click the green button on the right and choose your feed aggregator of choice from FeedBurner.

Now that the blog is looking good and working for everyone (hopefully), I’m going to keep the content coming at a more regular pace. The last few months have been a little more hectic than usual, but with a final road map to completion for my Master’s set out and the majority of work completed and written, I’m anticipating having more time to set aside for blogging. I’ve got some weekly features to implement, topics to catch up on, and plenty more!

Along with more content, I’ve signed on to Twitter, so get ready for a daily stream of posts, links, and other entomological miscellanea ready to help you procrastinate! You can click the button on the right, or follow me @BioInFocus. If you’re on Twitter, drop your tag in the comments below, or pass along those that you find worth a click!

Thanks for sticking around, I’m definitely looking forward to ringing in my second year as a part of the blogosphere!

  6 Responses to “New Year, New Look, New Posts”

Comments (6)
  1. Great update, Morgan! Don’t even get me started on Internet Explorer…especially version 6 – makes life as a web designer…interesting.

    Your RSS feed came through fine for me with Google Reader and welcome to the Twitterverse!!

    Here’s to a great 2011!

    • Thanks Cole, I know that most government employees don’t have a choice when it comes to web browsing software at work, so unfortunately IE is inevitable, but it’d be nice if Microsoft at least tried make it functional… Thanks for letting me know the old feed works, I was worried I might be starting all over again!

  2. The skewed photos were fine when enlarged, but they sure looked weird in the posts.

    Google Chrome and Firefox have their idiosynchrasies also – I tried both but went back to IE when version 8 came out.

    Looking forward to your 2011 content!

  3. Wishing you a Happy New Year! Your blog sure looks clean, although it always was clean! Haha. Cheers!

  4. I hear you, Morgan. I spend way too much time developing special code to handle IE (which I’ve always called “Internet Exploder”), so I understand the rant and frustration. If I write a page to the HTML/XHTML standards, IE renders it poorly while other browsers do fine. I’ve never been able to write a standards-compliant site that didn’t require special nonstandard code to make IE display the pages with some kind of intelligence. Ugh!

    As for your redesign, I like it! It looks great, and the feed came through fine without requiring a reset of any kind.

    Here’s looking forward to a new year full of discovery and learning!

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